Matching Excel files with PowerShell – Part 2

The next day, I was in good mood and decided to learn about function. I would change my code into a function.

function Identify-Leaver {
    # 3 parameters: Leaver Exel path and sheet name, PCOwner Excel path
    Param ([String]$LeaverExcel,[String]$LeaverSheet,[String]$PCOwnerExcel,[String]$NewSheet)
    #log file
    $logFile = 'C:\Users\lddthao\OneDrive - Schlumberger\Scripts\LeaverConfirm\Log.txt'
    $totalscan = 0
    $foundcount = 0
    $notfoundcount = 0
    $LeaverList = Import-Excel -Path $LeaverExcel -WorksheetName $LeaverSheet
    $PCOwner = Import-Excel -Path $PCOwnerExcel
    Write-Output "Start scanning $LeaverExcel sheet $LeaverSheet and match with $NewSheet owner list" | Out-File $logFile -Append
    foreach ($Leaver in $LeaverList) {
         $isfound = 0
         $totalscan = $totalscan + 1
         foreach ($Owner in $PCOwner) {
            # if found, record to Found sheet, break loop
            if (($Leaver).GIN -like ($Owner).EmployeeNumber){
                $isfound = 1
                $foundcount = $foundcount + 1
                $found = $Owner | Export-Excel 'C:\Scripts\LeaverConfirm\Found.xlsx' -WorkSheetname $NewSheet -Append  

        if ($isfound -eq 0){
            $notfoundcount = $notfoundcount + 1
            $notfound = $Leaver | Export-Excel 'C:\Scripts\LeaverConfirm\NotFound.xlsx' -WorkSheetname $NewSheet -Append
    Write-Output "Scanned with $NewSheet Done" | Out-File $logFile -Append
    Write-Output "++ Total leaver scanned: $totalscan" | Out-File $logFile -Append
    Write-Output "++Found: $foundcount" | Out-File $logFile -Append
    Write-Output "++ Not Found: $notfoundcount" | Out-File $logFile -Append
    Write-Output "Found items recorded in C:\Scripts\LeaverConfirm\Found.xlsx sheet $NewSheet" | Out-File $logFile -Append
    Write-Output "Not Found items recorded in C:\Scripts\LeaverConfirm\Not Found.xlsx sheet $NewSheet" | Out-File $logFile -Append
    Write-Output "================================================" | Out-File $logFile -Append

Now to make it easier as I have many PCOwner files to compare, I placed all those files in to a PCOwner folder and run a script to automatically feed those files to my function:

$OwnerFolder = 'C:\Users\lddthao\OneDrive - Schlumberger\Scripts\LeaverConfirm\PCOwner'
$OwnerFileList = Get-ChildItem $OwnerFolder | %{$_.FullName}
$numberoffiles = $OwnerFileList.Length
Write-Output "Found $numberoffiles files in Owner directory"
Write-Output "Scan file 0 "
Identify-Leaver -LeaverExcel 'C:\Users\lddthao\OneDrive - Schlumberger\Scripts\LeaverConfirm\LeaverList.xlsx' -LeaverSheet 'Leavers' -PCOwnerExcel $OwnerFileList[0] -NewSheet '1' 
for ($i=1; $i -lt $numberoffiles; $i++){
    Write-Output "Scan file $i"
    $j = $i + 1
    Identify-Leaver -LeaverExcel 'C:\Users\lddthao\OneDrive - Schlumberger\Scripts\LeaverConfirm\NotFound.xlsx' -LeaverSheet $i -PCOwnerExcel $OwnerFileList[$i] -NewSheet $j 

It worked just fine with the screen output:

A piece of the log file:

The script run well but I couldn’t fix the challenge, there’re still 2xx GINs couldn’t be identified.

About dongthao

"Man does not simply exist but always decides what his existence will be, what he will become the next moment"
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